✡️Premium VIP (NFT)

What is Premium VIP?

It's a different VIP system from General VIP.

Players have to become our Weed Daddy NFT holders first and connect their wallets to their Weed Daddy account.

After becoming our Premium VIP, you are now the privileged few and will receive additional benefits such as getting our profit sharing every quarter after official launch.

To know more about the benefits, please check the privileges explained below. (Check HERE)

What are the privileges / upgrades?

Some other VIP benefits shall include, but not limited to, exclusive avatar, high free faucet, upgraded bonuses, cashback & no withdrawal fee…etc.

  • Profit Sharing We will share 10% of our net revenue every quarter with our Premium VIP members after the site's official launch. All the updates will be announced in our social media. To receive the quarter profit sharing, you need to connect Weed Daddy NFT to our Weed Daddy site for at least 45 days. To check more details, please go to HERE.

  • Bonuses & Faucet High Upgraded Bonuses: When your wager meets the requirement, the bonuses will distribute automatically to your $EED wallet!

  • Daily Free $EED Faucet: $EED is our in-house currency. After becoming our Premium VIP, you can get more free & high $eed faucet. You can keep earning & betting with $eed and exchange it to USDC afterwards!

  • Exclusive Avatar Every Weed Daddy Premium VIP player will receive an exclusive avatar, and the avatar will be displayed all over the site accordingly!

  • No Transaction Fee Withdrawal For our higher Premium VIP players, we offer no transaction fee withdrawal service every day.

Last updated